Familien von Eyben er repræsenteret med en række samlinger i det Danske Rigsarkiv, som dokumenterer familiens historie – og hvor familiens vigtigste dokumenter er arkiveret:
Direkte søgning i Rigsarkivets database.
Håndskriftssamlingen XV
Index page 510
The original handwritten sources and notes from postmester August von Eyben. This is the original source behind all accounts of the family history.
Original emperors letter of nobility for Thomas Wetke, Vienna, 1. july 1678
The following files and packages are also highly relevant sources of information that needs further investigation:
Privatarkivet nr. 5374, package nr 1.
Letters from Friedrich von Eyben (1797-1804) to his father Adolph Gottlieb von Eyben who is kommissær for the congress in Hildesheim at the same time.
The letters are written during the congress in Rastadt 1798-1799. Most likely an internatioanl discussion regarding the Rhine boarder between the Germany and France.
Conclusions from the Riechsdeputation, an agreement between Germany and France, printed 14. may 1798.
Furthermore original copies of newspapers from the same period is part of the package.
Privatarkivet nr. 566
Gesandt Friedrich Ludwig von Eyben (-1793)
Letter from foreign minister A.P. Bernstorff
Privatarkiver 1661-
Ernst Schimmelmann 1781-1808 (12) Pk. 27.
Ernst Schimmelmann 1804-11 og 1825(5), pkg. 17 pkg. 15: Eyben, Fr., Geheimeråd
Carl Klitgaards arkiv AII: Eyben, August von, Horslunde. 1898, 1913, 1922, 1925, 1929(6), 1930(6), 1931(3)
Orla Lehmann (i C14): v. Eyben, August, 1848
Jacob Frederik Scvenius, 1901: Eyben, (Chr. M?), Skaarupgaard, Thisted
Johan Georg v.d. Nath, 1700-16: Eyben, Chr. Wilhelm, Statsråd
J.F.C. Güldenkrone, 1818: Eyben, F.
Niels Rosenkrantz: Fr. von Eyben, Greve, Geheimekonferens, 1813, 1814, 1815(5), 1816(13), 1817(20), 1818(22), 1819(24), 1820(19), 1821(18), 1822(32), 1823(26)
J.G. Adler, arkivnr 5008, A.I.4, 1821, 1840, 1843: Eyben, Fr. von, Diplomat
Adolph Gottlieb von Eyben, 1797(5), 1798(57), 1799(20), 1804, ????(2): Eyben, Friedrich, Greve, Diplomat